β‘οΈLocal Businesses
Now with WHERE2! as a Local Business, Shop, Hotel or Restaurant you can give your clients a unique and unforgettable experience! Find new customers, bond with them and offer incentives as never before.
I. A Better Way of Reaching Customers
Advertising in newspapers, radio, or digital ads misses out on new targeted ways of reaching customers. Itβs often difficult to track success and to build an individual relationship with the customer.
Location-based advertising not only helps activate entirely new target audiences in your vicinity but new Web3 solutions also enable every customer to establish a unique relationship with you - fully automated.
II. Bond with Your Customers
Create a lasting relationship with your customers by sharing engagement activities that will allow your audience to learn more about your company while earning rewards. The goal is to offer creative experiences and perks that will bring your customer relationships to the next level.
The examples below can be applied to almost any local business. The limit is only your imagination. Reach out to us and letβs explore opportunities for your business together!
III. Become a Brand Partner
With WHERE2! now you can reach a new audience that is exploring your local area! Location based advertisement and digital rewards are the wave of the future.
IV. Longevity and Cost Effectiveness
Advertising on social media is chronological and temporary meaning your online presence can vanish within minutes or even go unnoticed by your followers. So, you have to keep up with posting to get noticed!
With WHERE2! you can build one location based campaign that lasts for months.
Just pin your content to its location so new potential customers exploring your neigborhood will find you. Users will get notified as soon as they enter your geosphere and will be offered discounts.
V. Leave Your Competitors Behind
Competition with large chains and other businesses can often be tough. Stay at the digital forefront and dominate with ease. Digital incentives, location based discounts and perks create a new way to bond with your customers.
With WHERE2! your company can establish deeper connections by sharing interactive stories about your team, your company's history, philosophy, process, so that customers become true fans.
How often do you think your customers will then consider your competition?
VI. Say Goodbye to Dry Spells
Location based advertisement on WHERE2! reaches new types of audiences during slower times of the year. Targeted seasonal incentives will breathe new life into your business and helps to become independent from seasonal fluctuations.
VII. Your Non-Stop Recommendation Engine
Web3 technology allows you to really know your customers and reach back out to them over time.
Not only will your clients love their customized rewards, sharing their experiences with friends and on social media, but they will receive automatic perks with discounts and vouchers when they refer others to your business.
Last updated